To raise the necessary funds for grants, each 99 GAL Friend commits to donating a minimum of $500 annually. In order to make membership available to all interested women, we provide partial sponsorships to those unable to pay the full amount. (Please inquire if you are interested in sponsoring a woman or receiving a sponsorship.)
Click here to join now! From the "My donation is for" drop down menu, choose "99 GAL Friends" and we will be notified of your donation and be in touch with further information.
If you’re interested in becoming a 99 GAL Friend and would like more information, please send an email to [email protected] or call and leave a message at 503-857-2964. We would be pleased to hear from you.
Click here to join now! From the "My donation is for" drop down menu, choose "99 GAL Friends" and we will be notified of your donation and be in touch with further information.
If you’re interested in becoming a 99 GAL Friend and would like more information, please send an email to [email protected] or call and leave a message at 503-857-2964. We would be pleased to hear from you.